And So It Begins...
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
2022 was for lack of a better word, slow, in the Mortgage Business. So rather than twiddling my thumbs, I sold my beloved Ashby Apple Cabin and most but not all of my possessions so I could go and travel.
Too many of my friends and family members have passed away unexpectedly, and way to soon. Having worked all over the US, Canada and the Caribbean, I decided to take a journey back and visit those people who have touched my live in such incredible ways, revisit locations that sparked my soul in the past & seek out new ones that have inspired me over the years through posts on social media and others' adventures.
I want to keep myself on this journey for as long as possible and will always do my mortgage thing, but until it rises from the ashes, like the Phoenix, as it always does, I earn money with my You Tube channel and selling merchandise. I also offer followers to become a member of the Mariposa Journey in exchange for some interesting benefits. You can read about the memberships here